F1 2023 regulations change: new rules, same problems?

Abstract Starting from an analysis of the new set of rules amended for the 2023 Formula One season, this article will try to find if these new prescriptions will be able to solve some of the problems related to the previous season or if they will suffer of the same weaknesses. The new rules for 2023 Due to the big regulations change provided for the 2022 season, there were some areas that needed to be addressed in order to solve some issues related to the last championship. In addition to this, Liberty Media is always trying to find new ways to improve entertainment. This background led to a series of regulatory variations for the upcoming Formula 1 season. Starting from the technical changes, one of the most important modification is related to car’s height. This year, the minimum height for the car’s floor needs to be at least 15 mm above the ground. This measure was necessary to avoid the phenomena called “porpoising”, which caused a lot of instability issues for most of...