Felipe Massa and the 2008 Formula 1 World Championship: Why a judicial action is necessary and in which way

Abstract This article aims to explain from a legal-regulatory point of view why, in order to protect the credibility of motorsport, it is necessary to clarify what happened in 2008 and on what are the legal points on which such action can be based. The 2008 World Championship and the new circumstances which have arisen. The 2008’s Formula One World Championship has always been considered as one of the most exciting and controversial for several reasons: its epilogue at the last Grand Prix, the victory of Lewis Hamilton by only one point to the Brazilian Felipe Massa, but especially for the occurrence of one of the biggest scandals in the history of motorsport: The Crashgate, which involved the F1 Renault team and which had a substantial impact on the final results of that year. Talking about the Crashgate alone, would require much more than an article and for this reason we refer to all the official documents about this matter. The relevant point to extract from this fact is th...