Why the 2023 Las Vegas Grand Prix Could be a High-Stakes gamble for Formula 1

Abstract The addition of the Las Vegas Grand Prix to F1's 2023 calendar is a sign of the new approach Liberty Media is bringing to the sport, but even if fans love the idea, will it really be a good choice for Formula One? Or will it just be a high-stakes gamble? The 2023 F1 Las Vegas Grand Prix After an absence of 41 years, the Las Vegas Grand Prix is back on the Formula One calendar. Since the announcement in March 2022 and the confirmation at the start of the season, everyone has been looking forward to seeing the most advanced pieces of motorsport racing through the streets of one of the most iconic cities in the United States. Both fans and shareholders love this return that will match glamour and racing in a sort of Monaco’s vibe. The last Grand Prix held in Las Vegas, dated in 1982, saw the first win of Michele Alboreto and the crowning of Keke Rosberg as a world champion but it was also marked by many critical points relating to the structure of the circuit (concret...