The mystery behind art. 11.1.2 and Red bull’s asymmetric brake system

Abstract The most discussed topic of this F1 summer break is absolutely related to art.11.1.2 of the F1 technical regulation and the asymmetric braking system that Red Bull probably used until the Miami Gp. Let's delve into the subject and understand the rule and the device used by the most dominant team in the last two championships. The mystery Behind article 11.1.2 In its early stages, Formula One was a really simple sport, due to the lack of rules and resources available to the various competitors. For example, the name Formula itself comes from the basic formula (considered as a basic set of rules accepted by all competitors) to regulate the construction of the various cars. As time went on, the teams became more and more technologically advanced and were able to find any kind of shortcut in the rules to gain an advantage over other competitors. For this reason, the rules became more and more complex in order to limit this situation, and today the technical regulations a...