The Ricciardo case in the F1 Monza Gp: does something need to change?

Abstract After a brief analysis of what happened with the retirement of Daniel Ricciardo in the Formula 1 Monza Gp, this article will focus on the rules and the procedures related to the safety car deployment, trying to un derstand if they work and, if not, what changes are needed. What Happened? The 2022 Formula One Italian GP was one of the highly anticipated GP of the season on one of the most iconic circuit of motorsport. In the last stages of the race, during lap 47, the n.#3 car driven by Daniel Ricciardo ended his race, due to a failure, and the Aussie driver parked his car in the grass area just before the second Lesmo corner. The spot and the position of the car made necessary the use of marshals and vehicles on the racetrack to remove his McLaren. Although the situation was clear, the race direction waited a long amount of time before deploying the safety car and start the procedure. In addition to this , the pace car failed to exit in front of the leader and this caus...